Source code for haps.container

import importlib
import inspect
import os
import pkgutil
from functools import wraps
from inspect import Signature
from threading import RLock
from types import FunctionType, ModuleType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

from haps.config import Configuration
from haps.exceptions import (AlreadyConfigured, ConfigurationError,
                             NotConfigured, UnknownDependency, UnknownScope)
from haps.scopes import Scope
from haps.scopes.instance import InstanceScope
from haps.scopes.singleton import SingletonScope

INSTANCE_SCOPE = '__instance'  # default scopes
SINGLETON_SCOPE = '__singleton'

PROFILES = 'haps.profiles'

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class Egg: """ Configuration primitive. Can be used to configure *haps* manually. """ base_: Optional[Type] type_: Type qualifier: Optional[str] egg: Callable profile: Optional[str]
[docs] def __init__(self, base_: Optional[Type], type_: Type, qualifier: Optional[str], egg_: Callable, profile: str = None) -> None: """ :param base_: `base` of dependency, used to retrieve object :param type_: `type` of dependency (for functions it's a return type) :param qualifier: extra qualifier for dependency. Can be used to register more than one type for one base. :param egg_: any callable that returns an instance of dependency, can be a class or a function :param profile: dependency profile name """ self.base_ = base_ self.type_ = type_ self.qualifier = qualifier self.egg = egg_ self.profile = profile
def __repr__(self): return (f'<haps.container.Egg base_={repr(self.base_)} ' f'type_={repr(self.type_)} qualifier={repr(self.qualifier)} ' f'egg={repr(self.egg)}>')
@Configuration.resolver(PROFILES) def _profiles_resolver() -> tuple: profiles = os.getenv('HAPS_PROFILES') if profiles: return tuple(p.strip() for p in profiles.split(',')) return tuple()
[docs]class Container: """ Dependency Injection container class """ __instance = None __subclass = None __configured = False _lock = RLock() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Container': with cls._lock: if not cls.__configured: raise NotConfigured if cls.__instance is None: class_ = cls if cls.__subclass is None else cls.__subclass cls.__instance = object.__new__(class_) cls.__instance.scopes: Dict[str, Scope] = {} cls.__instance.config: List[Egg] = [] return cls.__instance @classmethod def _reset(cls): cls.__instance = None cls.__subclass = None cls.__configured = False
[docs] @staticmethod def configure(config: List[Egg], subclass: 'Container' = None) -> None: """ Configure haps manually, an alternative to :func:`~haps.Container.autodiscover` :param config: List of configured Eggs :param subclass: Optional Container subclass that should be used """ profiles = Configuration().get_var(PROFILES, tuple) assert isinstance(profiles, (list, tuple)) profiles = tuple(profiles) + (None,) seen = set() registered = set() filtered_config: List[Egg] = [] for profile in profiles: for egg_ in (e for e in config if e.profile == profile): ident = (egg_.base_, egg_.qualifier, egg_.profile) if ident in seen: raise ConfigurationError( "Ambiguous implementation %s" % repr(egg_.base_)) dep_ident = (egg_.base_, egg_.qualifier) if dep_ident in registered: continue filtered_config.append(egg_) registered.add(dep_ident) seen.add(ident) config = filtered_config with Container._lock: if Container.__configured: raise AlreadyConfigured if subclass is None: subclass = Container Container.__subclass = subclass Container.__configured = True container = Container() if not all(isinstance(o, Egg) for o in config): raise ConfigurationError('All config items should be the eggs') container.config = config container.register_scope(INSTANCE_SCOPE, InstanceScope) container.register_scope(SINGLETON_SCOPE, SingletonScope)
[docs] @classmethod def autodiscover(cls, module_paths: List[str], subclass: 'Container' = None) -> None: """ Load all modules automatically and find bases and eggs. :param module_paths: List of paths that should be discovered :param subclass: Optional Container subclass that should be used """ def find_base(bases: set, implementation: Type): found = {b for b in bases if issubclass(implementation, b)} if not found: raise ConfigurationError( "No base defined for %r" % implementation) elif len(found) > 1: raise ConfigurationError( "More than one base found for %r" % implementation) else: return found.pop() def walk(pkg: Union[str, ModuleType]) -> Dict[str, ModuleType]: if isinstance(pkg, str): pkg: ModuleType = importlib.import_module(pkg) results = {} try: path = pkg.__path__ except AttributeError: results[pkg.__name__] = importlib.import_module(pkg.__name__) else: for loader, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path): full_name = pkg.__name__ + '.' + name results[full_name] = importlib.import_module(full_name) if is_pkg: results.update(walk(full_name)) return results with cls._lock: for module_path in module_paths: walk(module_path) config: List[Egg] = [] for egg_ in egg.factories: base_ = find_base(base.classes, egg_.type_) egg_.base_ = base_ config.append(egg_) cls.configure(config, subclass=subclass)
def _find_egg(self, base_: Type, qualifier: str) -> Optional[Egg]: return next((e for e in self.config if e.base_ is base_ and e.qualifier == qualifier), None)
[docs] def get_object(self, base_: Type[T], qualifier: str = None) -> T: """ Get instance directly from the container. If the qualifier is not None, proper method to create/retrieve instance is used. :param base_: `base` of this object :param qualifier: optional qualifier :return: object instance """ egg_ = self._find_egg(base_, qualifier) if egg_ is None: raise UnknownDependency('Unknown dependency %s' % base_) scope_id = getattr(egg_.egg, '__haps_custom_scope', INSTANCE_SCOPE) try: _scope = self.scopes[scope_id] except KeyError: raise UnknownScope('Unknown scopes with id %s' % scope_id) else: with self._lock: return _scope.get_object(egg_.egg)
[docs] def register_scope(self, name: str, scope_class: Type[Scope]) -> None: """ Register new scopes which should be subclasses of `Scope` :param name: Name of new scopes :param scope_class: Class of new scopes """ with self._lock: if name in self.scopes: raise AlreadyConfigured(f'Scope {name} already registered') self.scopes[name] = scope_class()
def __rshift__(self, other: Type[T]) -> T: """ Alias for `get_object` :param other: `base` of this object """ return self.get_object(other)
[docs]class Inject: """ A descriptor for injecting dependencies as properties .. code-block:: python class SomeClass: my_dep: DepType = Inject() .. important:: Dependency is injected (created/fetched) at the moment of accessing the attribute, not at the moment of instance creation. So, even if you create an instance of `SomeClass`, the instance of `DepType` may never be created. """ def __init__(self, qualifier: str = None): self._qualifier = qualifier self._type: Type = None self.__prop_name = '__haps_%s_%s_instance' % ('', id(self)) def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Type) -> Any: if instance is None: return self else: obj = getattr(instance, self.__prop_name, None) if obj is None: obj = Container().get_object(self.type_, self._qualifier) setattr(instance, self.__prop_name, obj) return obj def __set_name__(self, owner: Type, name: str) -> None: type_: Type = owner.__annotations__.get(name) if type_ is not None: self.type_ = type_ else: raise TypeError('No annotation for Inject')
[docs]def inject(fun: Callable) -> Callable: """ A decorator for injection dependencies into functions/methods, based on their type annotations. .. code-block:: python class SomeClass: @inject def __init__(self, my_dep: DepType) -> None: self.my_dep = my_dep .. important:: On the opposite to :class:`~haps.Inject`, dependency is injected at the moment of method invocation. In case of decorating `__init__`, dependency is injected when `SomeClass` instance is created. :param fun: callable with annotated parameters :return: decorated callable """ sig = inspect.signature(fun) injectables: Dict[str, Any] = {} for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): type_ = param.annotation if name == 'self': continue else: injectables[name] = type_ @wraps(fun) def _inner(*args, **kwargs): container = Container() for n, t in injectables.items(): if n not in kwargs: kwargs[n] = container.get_object(t) return fun(*args, **kwargs) return _inner
[docs]def base(cls: T) -> T: """ A class decorator that marks class as a base type. :param cls: Some base type :return: Not modified `cls` """ base.classes.add(cls) return cls
base.classes = set() Factory_T = Callable[..., T]
[docs]def egg(qualifier: Union[str, Type] = '', profile: str = None): """ A function that returns a decorator (or acts like a decorator) that marks class or function as a source of `base`. If a class is decorated, it should inherit from `base` type. If a function is decorated, it declared return type should inherit from some `base` type, or it should be the `base` type. .. code-block:: python @egg class DepImpl(DepType): pass @egg(profile='test') class TestDepImpl(DepType): pass @egg(qualifier='special_dep') def dep_factory() -> DepType: return SomeDepImpl() :param qualifier: extra qualifier for dependency. Can be used to register more than one type for one base. If non-string argument is passed, it'll act like a decorator. :param profile: An optional profile within this dependency should be used :return: decorator """ first_arg = qualifier def egg_dec(obj: Union[FunctionType, type]) -> T: if isinstance(obj, FunctionType): spec = inspect.signature(obj) return_annotation = spec.return_annotation if return_annotation is Signature.empty: raise ConfigurationError('No return type annotation') egg.factories.append( Egg( type_=spec.return_annotation, qualifier=qualifier, egg_=obj, base_=None, profile=profile )) return obj elif isinstance(obj, type): egg.factories.append( Egg(type_=obj, qualifier=qualifier, egg_=obj, base_=None, profile=profile)) return obj else: raise AttributeError('Wrong egg obj type') if isinstance(qualifier, str): qualifier = qualifier or None return egg_dec else: qualifier = None return egg_dec(first_arg)
egg.factories: List[Egg] = []
[docs]def scope(scope_type: str) -> Callable: """ A function that returns decorator that set scopes to some class/function .. code-block:: python @egg() @scopes(SINGLETON_SCOPE) class DepImpl: pass :param scope_type: Which scope should be used :return: """ def dec(egg_: T) -> T: egg_.__haps_custom_scope = scope_type return egg_ return dec